Troubleshooting Your Washer: Three Problems To Look For

Having your washing machine stop working can be frustrating, but knowing a few basics about washer repair can help you troubleshoot some of the smaller problems. If you're having problems with your washer, here are some signs to look for. Clogged Drain Hose A clogged drain hose can lead to an array of problems. It can prevent the tub from draining properly, which can leave your clothes soaked even after the spin cycle. [Read More]

Reviving A Failing Fridge: 3 Tips For Better Food Storage Performance

The cost of replacing a non-working refrigerator is a major expense for most families. Depending on the size and model, a typical refrigerator purchase from a home improvement store or appliance retailer can range from several hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. The good news, however, is that a refrigerator that suddenly becomes unable to cool the interior to the desired level for safe food storage may not actually need to be replaced. [Read More]

How To Replace The Evaporator Fan In Your Fridge

If your fridge is not cooling but you can hear the compressor running, the issue is more than likely with the evaporator fan. The evaporator fan helps move air around inside of your fridge. You can replace it on your own or hire an appliance repair company to replace the fan for you. #1 Take Off the Evaporator Cover First, take off the cover for the evaporator unit. This cover is for the entire evaporator system. [Read More]

Common Signs That Your Dryer Is In Need Of Repair

A dryer is an essential appliance in any home—when you have multiple loads of laundry, being able to dry them fast is important. Thus, it can be very frustrating when your dryer is not working like it should. The good news is that many dryer problems can be repaired by appliance repair services, so you won't necessarily need to replace your dryer just because it isn't running right. The key is knowing when your dryer is in need of repair so you can have it fixed before it is permanently damaged. [Read More]